Sonntag, 25. November 2012

Frankenmuth, Christmasstore, Soccer Banquet, Basketball, Thanksgiving

Hey guys, long time ago since my last update. I just have to admit that I am to lazy to be posting weekly. Sorry for that. In fact that it takes that long, I will at least try to make it a little more detailed - including pictures etc! So let's get started..

beautiful architecture
First of all I want to tell you about the trip my hostfamily and me made to Frankenmuth - very interesting because it was basically founded by German settlers. We drove up there and it took us about one and a half hours.
German Flag, fall colors
I immediately recognized the plenty of German flags and other typical things you would associate with Germany (see pictures). We went to eat in a very nice all-you-can-eat restaurant and they seriously served Schnitzel! The food was outstanding and it literally reminded me so much of Germany. After our awesome lunch we walked around and took a closer look at the city. We went into several stores and I saw that they sold "Lederhosen". The weather was perfect as well and we enjoyed the trip a lot. Worth mentioning was also the visit of the huge Christmas store - I guess it was one - if not THE largest Christmas store worldwide.

The Christmas store was impressive. I had never been to a single store in a dimension like this. Just incredible!
Uncountable supplies of Christmas stuff from all over the world. My parents would probably have spend several hours in there. :)
We just got our Christmas socks and some stuff for the christmas tree which is already set up at home. I liked the Germany section a lot, where they sold typical candy, accessoires etc. This will definitely a unique memory for me and who knows I might get there another time before Christmas to buy some presents. All in all I really enjoyed the time we spent in Frankenmuth because it really had a fantastic flair and I don't regret that we went up there.

As you already know, Soccer season is over, we became champions. But now to end it officially as we go  over to Basketball season we had this Banquet.
All soccer players came together to celebrate a successful season and the coach held a speech as well as he gave away certain awards. I myself got several awards - the Academic Award for outstanding academic as well as sport results, the Coaches Award for being a big part of the team, always showing a lot of effort and being a great leader. My third award was the one for the All-District-Team which means that I was the top player in the District on my position (defensive midfield). I was very satisfied and happy with that. A great completion of the season in my opinion!

Coming with winter basketball season starts and with that my favorite sport. It always has been my dream to play american High School Basketball! We had 3 days of tryouts. I was very concerned because there were 28players for 15 spots on the team. But I kinda already was aware that this is going to be very competitive.
Nevertheless I gave everything, worked hard and was able to make the Clawson Varsity Basketball team. This week we already had a Scrimmage, which is kind of like a little pre-tournament to see where you are performance-wise.

This week we celebrated Thanksgiving and of course it was special for me because it was my first and hopefully not last ever! We had a 26 pound (!!) turkey, for 5 persons.

We were 5 persons because Grandma was here as well. The food was just awesome, I ate too much I guess, because I spend the rest of the day on the couch napping.
Other than that we went out shopping because of Black Friday at about 12 O' clock. I just bought some necessary stuff for my basketball season so nothing speical. But people really became crazy, camping in front of certain stores 1 day before just to be the first in line to get what they wanted to. A little exaggerated in my opinion, but whatever.

The christmas-tree is set up as well, because it's a tradition to do so one day after thanksgiving.

That's it from me, I hope you got a little informed what was going on the past month.
Don't forget, stay tuned guys!

Love you!

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