Montag, 9. Juli 2012

New information, feelings etc.

Hey guys,

I just got a package from my host-family. They sent me two t-shirts, a music-mix and playing cards. I was really happy about that, the t-shirts fit perfectly, the music is awesome and I like everything a lot. A big thank you to my host-family!

In the last days a new "newsletter" from AIFS arrived. They gave some information which belong to the flight and also some general information about being an exchange student, living in another family etc. 
All in all I think AIFS did a good job in preparing us for our year abroad. If you have questions it does not take long until they give you an answer. 

There is also something about my feelings:

In the last days there is always that strange feeling overcoming me, when I drive by something I'm used to, which is familiar for me.. won't see all these people and places for one year.
I mean there are just 22 days left, then I will take my flight to Frankfurt to meet all the other exchange students from AIFS. From there we will finally go to New York before each of us will go seperated ways.

That's it so far.. I don't know whether it makes sense to write in English, because my relatives might not understand what I write. I will think about that, what about writing a translation next to the English version?
I'll see.. 

Stay tuned, 

your Erik.